📌 Attention Passive Buddies - Join A Private Community That Help's You Build The Bank Balance You Dream Of 📌

Learn How To Build $10,000 - $20,000 per month and destroy the 9-5.
Whilst Living Your Life

How To Go From $0 Online To Quitting Your 9-5 With 1 Simple Marketing Strategy
That Brings In
7-Income Streams

Remember: Build a business around your lifestyle & not a lifestyle around your business

💫 Exclusive Facebook Group Reveals 💫

  • How Our 1 Strategy Approach Builds Online Wealth.

  • How To Leverage Affiliate Marketing Without Becoming Slimey, Sleezy or Spammy

  • How To Authentically Build 7 Streams Of Income From 1 Business 

  • How To Apply The High Ticket Skills Vault To Always Bring You Money

Are You Thinking 'Oh No Not Another Facebook Group'

The Free Trainings inside our Facebook group are generating our members their FREEDOM money. never mind what our paid programs do for you.

Hey, My Name Is Bryan Mills, & I am the founder of Passive Buddies, and I know how you feel.

There's nothing worse than the gut feeling that you're missing out on your kids' growing up, your family activities, or some time with your loved ones because your boss is an arsehole and wants you at the office 24/7 just in case they have a problem.

It’s scary when you think about it.

By the time you do the work routine & come home, you get 1-2 hours with your family and those 2 hours, you're tired, stressed, and negative (Whooaaa want to spend time with that)

This is the reason Passive Buddies was created…

because life isn’t about making someone else rich.

When all is said & done and you're on your deathbed (morbid, I know), no one ever says, ‘ I wish I worked more

But 90% of deathbed conversations will include ‘I wish I had more time for X’

Now you can replace X with whatever you want. Your Kids, Your partner, or your two tap
dancing tortoises you love so much :)

But you’ve read this & you realize you want more than just to keep your boss from shouting at you
for today or you want more than 28 days of holiday a year.

Now this training just got more important.

Passive Buddies is about helping others break free of their 9-5 through
passive affiliate marketing & other income streams without creating another online job.

What's Inside Passive Buddies Exclusive Group

FREE Guides & Walkthroughs

Income Producing Tactics

Free Live Coaching

What Will You Get From This Training?

Clear Pathway To
Your 1st $10k

Understand What High Income Skills Help You Quit Your Job

Our Exact Social Strategy That Allows Us To Make Daily Sales Online

The Free Trainings inside our Facebook group are generating our members their FREEDOM money. never mind what our paid programs do for you.

What's Already In The Group

✅ How To Make $20k Per Month With Affiliate Marketing Blue Print
✅How To Earn $$$$ Through Facebook Marketing

✅ Email Growth Mastery Master Class

Organic Lead Mastery Guide

A Step Back System That Automates 90% A Life that you can be proud, happy & free

What's Already In The Group

✅ How To Make $20k Per Month With Affiliate Marketing Blue Print
✅How To Earn $$$$ Through Facebook Marketing

✅ Email Growth Mastery Master Class

Organic Lead Mastery Guide

A Step Back System That Automates 90% A Life that you can be proud, happy & free

So What's Up Coming In The Group?

✅ Case Study: How Justine Made $3,000 In 3 Weeks.
✅ Weekly Live Training Sessions - No FLUFF (PURE ACTION STEPS)
✅ Accountability Coaching - Creating Real Game Plan's For You

© 2023 Passive Buddies All rights reserved